

                                                   Intercessions written by a member of our Benefice

Fifth Sunday of Easter, 28th April 2024

God of love, may we abide in your presence and so abide in your love:

as we freely receive your love, let us freely share with others all that you have given to us; through Jesus Christ our Lord,



Father of all, we pray for your church,

that it may be a caring, loving and accepting church.

We pray for the outreach of your church,

that it may seek out the needy, the outcasts and the rejected:

that love may be revealed in action.

We pray for missionaries working throughout the world

as they bring your word to those who don’t yet know you

and for all Christians, especially those who are persecuted

and who are unable to worship openly as we do.

We pray for all bishops and clergy and thank you for all those who minister to us in this benefice during this long period of vacancy.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.


God of all mercy,

We pray for the nations of the world

in the unrest and violence of these times.

Give wisdom of mind and strength of character

to those who are called to positions of leadership;

overthrow the purposes and designs of evil men;

and establish the cause of righteousness in every land,

that all mankind may be led into the way of peace.

We pray for all who suffer as a result of war and conflict,

the homeless, the destitute, all refugees and hostages.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer


Father of all, we come with sorrow for all who have been denied freedom or peace.

We pray for places where communities have been destroyed,

where families have been divided or separated,

for children who have lost contact with their parents.

We think of those whose lives have been marred by their past;

for lives destroyed by bad memories, hatred, guilt or resentment

and we thank you for all who seek to heal that which divides.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer


Heavenly father, we commend to your love and care

those who suffer in body, mind or spirit,

and especially those known to us

whom we hold up to you in silence now….


in your good ness and mercy grant them

health of body,

soundness of mind,

and peace of heart as is your will.

We pray for, and ask your blessing on, all who care for the sick

either at home or in hospital, nursing homes or hospices.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer


Lord of life and love, we praise you for all who have borne fruit in your service,

for all who have forwarded your kingdom,

for all who have shared their love and goodness.

We pray for our loved ones departed

and ask for your comfort on all who mourn,

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer


Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our saviour, Jesus Christ,
